We have a minimum payout amount of $25 after taxes and an automatic system that pays earnings. Any amount under $25 is rolled into the next period's earnings. If a completed and approved tax form is not on file, you will not be issued payment.
We have a minimum payout amount of $25 after taxes and an automatic system that pays earnings. Any amount under $25 is rolled into the next period's earnings. If a completed and approved tax form is not on file, you will not be issued payment.
ho do i set the minimum payment amount in my acount....
how to see payout history and when ezzy will send payout for contributor ?
Hi there! Thank you for asking. We are in the process of streamlining our payments process and we will be adding features to your dashboard allowing you to see your payment history in the near future. In regards to when you will be paid each month, here is our support article that explains that: https://eezycontributors.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360029388711-How-do-I-receive-payments-as-a-PPD-Free-contributor-. Payment dates are the same regardless of what program you belong to. Thank you!
how to see payout history and when ezzy will send payout for contributor ?
Hi there! Please send us an email at contributors@eezy.com with your questions and we'll be happy to help!
Hello. I had $ 19 in my account the previous month .. But this money was not transferred to the new period or deposited to my account .. My payment account was reset .. So where did the money in my account go?
Hi Emre, please send an email to contributors@eezy.com and we'll be able to look into that for you. Thanks!
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